Category General Information

The relaxation of lockdown restrictions from Monday, 1 June 2020 has been welcomed by many. South Africa will move from Level 4 to Level 3 lockdown with certain provisos in place. More businesses will be reopening but will need to take necessary precautions to protect customers and staff alike.


Estate agents will again be able to operate subject to strict guidelines outlined by the government. Certain businesses such as hairdressers, sit-down restaurants and accommodation facilities however will have to remain closed.


As things return to "normal", now is the time to rethink and redesign how things are done, not only in the work environment but also at home. Perhaps it is time to start re-examining pre-COVID-19 life, acknowledging the drawbacks and seeing what can be improved. It is wise to examine the past and decide if change is necessary.


  1. Four-day work week

Consider introducing a four-day work week. Richard Branson is a vocal advocate of flexible working hours and regimes. Branson has found and other research confirms that the introduction of a four-day work week or more flexible working hours has improved staff productivity and also reduces absenteeism. This is certainly worth considering.


  1. Online meetings

Where possible, keep meetings online. Many people are using Zoom and other online video conferencing applications and have adjusted to the pros and cons of this technology. Consider continuing such practice.


Time spent on travelling to and from meetings could be saved and utilised for planning and structuring new business. Online meetings that have focused outcomes can often achieve the same results as a face-to-face meeting.


  1. Work from home (#WFH)

Work from home and perhaps certain staff can do the same. Daily communing travel costs mount up over time. Travelling to work and time spent in traffic jams collectively totals to many work hours lost each year. Where possible, if people continue to work from home, the time saved could be used more productively.


  1. Experiment

Experiment and learn what works best for a particular business type and model.


What about the real estate industry:

The real estate industry can adapt to the new "normal". At Ikonic Real Estate, the focus is continually on adapting to the times and accepting the challenges of the current dynamic environment.


One of the measures put in place by Ikonic has been freeing up time spent on administrative tasks by outsourcing and/or using technology so that more time can be spent focusing on pressing and high-value tasks and customer service.


Examine how things were done in the past and consider possible improvements and adjustments.

Author: Ikonic Real Estate

Submitted 05 Jun 20 / Views 962