Five common dreams we all share and what they could mean

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Since the dawn of the ages, human beings have been fascinated with the meanings behind their dreams. From ancient divination to the modern era of psychology, we have come a long way from the mystical elements, providing a more grounded and personal interpretation of the thoughts and anxieties that dominate our nightly journeys.

Do dreams really have meaning or are they just random scenarios we make up in our head? It's hard to say, but when recurring dreams start to take hold in our subconscious, many experts believe that their presence is an open window to our current state of mind. They play into genuine and possibly forbidding issues buried in our thoughts. 

Some of us even share common dreams that are easier to interpret. We look at five common dreams you've likely had or heard a friend describe and attempt to decipher their meanings.

Being lost or trapped

A common dream we all share is being lost or trapped in some scenario. It may even take the form of being unable to escape a sort of danger. These dreams generally mean you are unsure of a particular aspect of your life and cannot fathom the steps required to overcome that issue.

If you're dreaming about being lost in a forest, within a large building, or even within a maze-like structure, it's likely that you are feeling overwhelmed and can't seem to find a way out of your dilemma. These issues may be mental, physical, or financial and cause a severe hindrance to your ability to move forward in life.

Car troubles

Sometimes we dream about being inside a vehicle when an issue arises. We may be the driver or the passenger, and we may dream about being hit by another car or experiencing brake failure, which sends us down a wild chase in our heads. This generally means that back in the real world, you feel as though you lack control over a particular situation.

These dreams may also be a prelude to certain troubles you know may be down the road. Maybe you're worried that you won't be able to get that particular deal signed, or there is a family dispute involving you, but you have no way to rectify or solve the problem. Organised minds will have these dreams often, as many aspects of our life are out of our hands despite our best efforts.

Losing your teeth

Have you ever dreamed about reaching into your mouth only to find that your teeth are becoming loose? For some people, the very idea of losing their teeth can be a nightmare scenario, significantly when the defect affects your face. Try all you may keep it there it will eventually just come straight out.

These sorts of dreams indicate a type of deep-seated personal anxiety. You may feel insecure in public, unattractive, or not good enough. You may even fear public embarrassment, which is similar to dreams about being naked in public. This feeling of inadequacy is a common trope for sensitive folks who tend to read too far into any given situation. It could refer to a number of scenarios from your work life, to school, and even your personal relationships.

Falling or sinking

Do you often find yourself dreaming of scenarios where you fall from high buildings or mountain tops? Then, before you hit the ground, you wake up or find yourself sinking into it? A lot of people see this as a foreshadowing of death that may occur. But this is simply unfounded.

In reality, these dreams may indicate your irrational fear of heights or, on a deeper level, indicate that you aren't entirely happy with where you are in life. Oftentimes these dreams are a subtle hint from our subconscious that we may need to re-evaluate or change our perspective on certain aspects of our lives. Perhaps we hold unfair opinions on certain people that we know deep down aren't true.

Being late or missed opportunities

Have you ever dreamed about being late for a certain event or missing a flight? Oftentimes when we dream about these scenarios, we tend to miss these events by a fraction of a second or see the plane taking off without us.

In many cases, these dreams tend to reflect a deeper feeling of regret. Perhaps there was a specific event you were meant to go to but decided to skip out on? Later, you may find that you missed out on something special, causing a level of anxiety to build up. Your dream is simply a vague manifestation of that regret.

Tell us about your dreams!

Did you recognise any of these dream scenarios? Or did you feel as though there's something we may have missed? Share with us in the comments below about certain recurring dreams you may be having and tell us why you think it's happening. We would love to hear from you!

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Author: Bryce Anderson

Submitted 19 Oct 22 / Views 842