Why Wear A Mask

Category General Information

The wearing of masks is generally accepted and recommended together with hand washing and social distancing practices as a way to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Under the current Lockdown 4 restrictions, wearing a mask is compulsory when travelling on public transport, exercising in public and visiting shops or other public facilities. 

Various memes are doing the rounds showing the public the correct way in which to wear a mask. It is most effective when placed over the nose and mouth. The mask will not work if placed on the head, over the eyes or only over the mouth. Like the wearing of gloves, the medical fraternity is quick to remind the public not to get a false sense of security when wearing a mask as it needs to go hand-in-hand with hand washing and social distancing. 

With the contemplated move to Lockdown level 3 and more people coming into contact with others the above measures should be observed more than ever not only for one's own protection but for those with whom one comes into contact - the virus is still out there.

Putting on and taking off of masks

It is important to wash hands before putting on a mask. Once in place, do not touch the mask. When removing the mask, take it off by untying it or taking the elastic off the ears. Do not touch the front of the mask when removing it. If not disposing the mask, place it away from food preparation areas and areas that are frequented by others to avoid unnecessary handling. Hands should then immediately be washed or sanitised. If a cloth mask is used, it is suggested that it be washed and then ironed between uses.

The National Department of Health has recommended that the public wear cloth masks and preferably reserve 3-ply surgical and N-95 masks for use by medical staff and personnel, however these masks should become more readily available in time.

Infection peak

It would appear that South Africa is still some months away from experiencing its coronavirus peak in terms of infections and deaths. Judging by the number and percentage of deaths in relation to population size in the USA and UK, it would be important not to become complacent and to remain vigilant as there are warnings of second and subsequent infection peaks occurring in countries that have already seen infections plateau and fall.

Operation of Estate Agents during lockdown

Under Lockdown level 4, estate agents are not allowed to offer full services to clients. Various government ministers have been lobbied by the industry and it has been highlighted that estate agents can easily operate taking into account all the relevant safety and sanitising measures including the wearing of masks and the restriction of the number of clients permitted to view a property at the same time.

Estate agents are keen to resume work and are serious about looking after the health and welfare of clients and themselves. When amendments are made to the introduction of Lockdown level 3, the respective ministers should recognise the aforementioned and allow estate agents to offer a full range of services.

Author: Ikonic Real Estate

Submitted 18 May 20 / Views 1366